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什么是 逐步计息 ? what is Progressive Interest ?

Writer's picture: simonvigorpropertisimonvigorproperti

Progressive Interest(逐步计息):

  • 逐步计息是指购房者在建房期间仅支付已放款部分的利息,而不是全部贷款金额的利息。



1. 定义:

  • 逐步计息定义: 逐步计息指的是购房者在建房期间仅支付已放款部分的利息,而不是全部贷款金额的利息。

2. 在房屋融资中的逐步计息:

  • 建设期间: 在房屋融资的背景下,特别是对于正在建设中的房产,逐步计息允许借款人仅支付放款机构已放款部分的利息。

  • 分期支付: 这意味着随着建设的进行和贷款分期发放,借款人只需支付已经发放的资金上的利息,而不是整个贷款金额上的利息。

3. 主要特点:

  • 部分放款: 当贷款机构根据建设里程碑分期发放贷款时,逐步计息就会适用。

  • 较低的初始支付: 借款人受益于较低的初始利息支付,因为他们只支付实际利用的资金上的利息,而不是整个贷款金额。

4. 对借款人的优势:

  • 成本节省: 在建设期间,借款人可以通过仅支付实际利用的资金上的利息而节省利息成本。

  • 改善现金流: 逐步计息有助于在建设期间改善借款人的现金流,使支付更为可行。

5. 在里程碑处发放资金:

  • 建设里程碑: 贷款发放通常与特定的建设里程碑相一致,如基础完成、结构完工等重要阶段。

  • 检查和批准: 贷款机构通常在发放后续建设阶段的资金之前进行检查和批准。

6. 过渡到全额还款:

  • 完成后: 一旦建设完成,房产准备好入住,借款人从支付逐步计息过渡到全额偿还本金和利息。

7. 在建设贷款中常见:

  • 建设贷款背景: 逐步计息结构通常与建设贷款相关,其中贷款的发放与建筑项目的进展相一致。

8. 与放款机构咨询:

  • 了解条款: 借款人建议通过与放款机构咨询和审查贷款协议,全面了解与逐步计息相关的条款。



Progressive Interest:

1. Definition:

  • Progressive Interest Definition: Progressive interest refers to a scenario where homebuyers pay interest only on the disbursed amount of the loan during the construction phase, rather than on the entire loan amount.

2. Progressive Interest in Home Financing:

  • During Construction: In the context of home financing, especially for properties under construction, progressive interest allows borrowers to pay interest on the portion of the loan that has been disbursed by the lender.

  • Gradual Payment: This means that as the construction progresses and the loan is disbursed in stages, the borrower pays interest on the funds that have been released rather than the total loan amount.

3. Key Features:

  • Partial Loan Disbursement: Progressive interest is applicable when the lender disburses the loan amount in installments based on the construction milestones.

  • Lower Initial Payments: Borrowers benefit from lower initial interest payments, as they are not charged interest on the full loan amount until the entire sum is disbursed.

4. Advantages for Borrowers:

  • Cost Savings: Borrowers can save on interest costs during the construction phase as they are only paying interest on the actual funds utilized.

  • Improved Cash Flow: Progressive interest can help improve cash flow for borrowers during the construction period, making payments more manageable.

5. Disbursement at Milestones:

  • Construction Milestones: The loan disbursement typically aligns with specific construction milestones, such as the completion of the foundation, structure, and other significant phases.

  • Inspections and Approvals: Lenders often conduct inspections and approvals before releasing funds for subsequent construction phases.

6. Transition to Full Repayment:

  • Upon Completion: Once the construction is complete, and the property is ready for occupancy, the borrower transitions from paying progressive interest to full repayment of both principal and interest.

7. Common in Construction Loans:

  • Construction Loan Context: Progressive interest structures are commonly associated with construction loans, where the disbursement aligns with the progress of the building project.

8. Consultation with Lenders:

  • Understanding Terms: Borrowers are advised to thoroughly understand the terms related to progressive interest by consulting with lenders and reviewing loan agreements.

Progressive interest is a financial arrangement that provides flexibility and cost savings for homebuyers during the construction phase, allowing for gradual interest payments on the disbursed loan amount.


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