Floor Area Ratio (FAR)(楼面积比):
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - 楼面积比:
1. 定义:
楼面积比定义: 楼面积比是指在一个地块上允许建造的总建筑面积与地块面积之比。
2. 计算方式:
总建筑面积: 楼面积比的计算涉及将建筑物的总楼面积除以地块的总面积。
示例公式: 楼面积比 = 总建筑面积 / 地块面积
3. 意义和影响:
建筑密度: 楼面积比直接影响建筑密度,较高的楼面积比通常意味着更大的建筑物密度。
规划控制: 政府和城市规划部门使用楼面积比来控制土地的开发,确保建筑物的规模与城市规划相符。
4. 不同城市标准:
城市规定: 不同城市和地区的规定可能有所不同,楼面积比标准受到当地规划和土地使用法规的影响。
可持续发展: 一些地区可能制定低楼面积比标准,以促进可持续发展和保护自然资源。
5. 示例:
中文示例: 该地块的楼面积比为2.0,允许在地块上建造的总建筑面积是地块面积的两倍。
英文示例: The Floor Area Ratio for this plot is 2.0, allowing a total building area twice the size of the plot.
6. 规划和设计:
建筑设计: 楼面积比直接影响建筑的设计和规模,开发商和建筑师通常需要遵循当地规定。
城市规划: 城市规划者使用楼面积比来平衡土地的有效利用和城市发展的可持续性。
7. 总结:
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - 楼面积比:
1. Definition:
Definition of Floor Area Ratio (FAR): Floor Area Ratio refers to the ratio of the total building area allowed to be constructed on a plot of land to the total area of the plot.
2. Calculation Method:
Total Building Area: The calculation of the Floor Area Ratio involves dividing the total floor area of a building by the total area of the plot.
Example Formula: FAR = Total Building Area / Plot Area
3. Significance and Impact:
Building Density: FAR directly influences building density, with higher FAR typically indicating greater building density.
Planning Control: Government and urban planning departments use FAR to control land development, ensuring that building scales align with urban planning.
4. Different City Standards:
City Regulations: Standards for FAR may vary in different cities and regions, subject to local planning and land-use regulations.
Sustainable Development: Some areas may set lower FAR standards to promote sustainable development and preserve natural resources.
5. Example:
Example in Chinese: 该地块的楼面积比为2.0,允许在地块上建造的总建筑面积是地块面积的两倍。
Example in English: The Floor Area Ratio for this plot is 2.0, allowing a total building area twice the size of the plot.
6. Planning and Design:
Architectural Design: FAR directly influences the design and scale of buildings, with developers and architects needing to adhere to local regulations.
Urban Planning: Urban planners use FAR to balance