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什么是 服务式公寓 ? what is Serviced Apartment ?

Serviced Apartment(服务式公寓):

  • 服务式公寓是提供酒店式服务的住宅单位,包括清洁、服务台、餐饮等。


Serviced Apartment - 服务式公寓:

1. 定义:

  • 服务式公寓定义: 服务式公寓是提供酒店式服务的住宅单位,包括清洁、服务台、餐饮等。

2. 服务内容:

  • 酒店式服务: 服务式公寓提供类似酒店的服务,如每日清洁、床上用品更换等。

  • 服务台: 常设有前台或服务台,为居民提供咨询、预订等服务。

  • 餐饮: 一些服务式公寓可能提供餐饮服务,包括早餐或餐厅。

3. 设施和便利:

  • 设备齐全: 公寓内通常配备有家居设施,如厨房、洗衣机等,使居民更方便。

  • 公共设施: 可能拥有公共设施,如健身房、游泳池等。

4. 长短租灵活性:

  • 短租选择: 适用于需要短期住宿的人,提供较灵活的租赁选项。

  • 长租选择: 也适用于需要较长期住宿的人,提供较为家庭化的环境。

5. 商务和旅行需求:

  • 商务出行: 服务式公寓常受商务人士青睐,因为提供便捷服务和舒适的居住环境。

  • 旅游需求: 也适合旅游者,带有居家感觉,同时享受酒店式服务。

6. 适用人群:

  • 商务旅行者: 常作为商务旅行者的理想选择,融合了家庭舒适和专业服务。

  • 短期居住者: 适合需要短期居住的人,提供舒适和便利。

7. 地理位置:

  • 城市中心: 服务式公寓通常位于城市中心或商业区,提供便利的交通和周边设施。

8. 总结:

  • 服务式公寓是提供酒店式服务的住宅单位,适用于商务旅行者和需要短期居住的个人,结合了家庭舒适和专业服务的优势。


Serviced Apartment - 服务式公寓:

1. Definition:

  • Definition of Serviced Apartment: A serviced apartment is a residential unit that offers hotel-style services, including cleaning, concierge, dining, etc.

2. Services Provided:

  • Hotel-Like Services: Serviced apartments provide services similar to hotels, such as daily cleaning, bed linen replacement, etc.

  • Concierge Services: There is often a front desk or concierge to assist residents with inquiries, reservations, and other services.

  • Dining Facilities: Some serviced apartments may offer dining services, including breakfast or an on-site restaurant.

3. Facilities and Convenience:

  • Fully Equipped: Apartments are usually equipped with home amenities such as a kitchen, washing machine, etc., providing convenience to residents.

  • Common Facilities: There may be common facilities like a gym, swimming pool, etc.

4. Flexibility in Short and Long-Term Rentals:

  • Short-Term Options: Suitable for those in need of short-term accommodation, providing flexible leasing options.

  • Long-Term Options: Also suitable for individuals requiring more extended stays, offering a more homely environment.

5. Business and Travel Needs:

  • Business Travel: Serviced apartments are often favored by business travelers due to convenient services and a comfortable living environment.

  • Tourism Needs: Also suitable for tourists, providing a home-like feel while enjoying hotel-style services.

6. Target Audience:

  • Business Travelers: Ideal for business travelers, combining home comfort with professional services.

  • Short-Term Residents: Suitable for those in need of short-term accommodation, providing comfort and convenience.

7. Location:

  • City Center: Serviced apartments are typically located in city centers or business districts, providing convenient access to transportation and surrounding facilities.

8. Summary:

  • A serviced apartment is a residential unit offering hotel-style services, suitable for business travelers and individuals in need of short-term stays, combining the advantages of home comfort and professional services.

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