Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA)(按揭减少期限保险):
Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) - 按揭减少期限保险:
1. 定义:
按揭减少期限保险定义: 按揭减少期限保险是一种按揭贷款保险,确保在贷款期限内发生不幸时贷款仍能被偿还。
2. 如何运作:
随着贷款减少: 随着按揭贷款余额逐渐减少,保险金额也随之减少。
偿还贷款: 如果借款人在贷款期间过世或发生全残,MRTA将支付足够的金额以偿还贷款余额。
3. 保障范围:
死亡和全残: MRTA通常提供在借款人死亡或发生全残时的保障。
不包括其他风险: MRTA通常不涵盖失业、生病或其他风险。
4. 选择性购买:
非强制性: 购买MRTA通常是自愿的,但在某些情况下可能是贷款的条件之一。
5. 目的:
风险保障: 提供贷款借款人的风险保障,确保在不幸事件发生时家庭不必为贷款负担。
6. 与人寿保险的区别:
金额递减: 与一般人寿保险不同,MRTA的保险金额随着贷款减少而减少。
与贷款挂钩: MRTA专注于覆盖按揭贷款的余额,而非提供家庭综合保障。
7. 申请过程:
与贷款绑定: 借款人通常可以在申请按揭贷款时选择购买MRTA,保费将被包含在每月还款中。
8. 示例:
中文示例: 购房者决定购买按揭减少期限保险,以确保家庭在其不幸离世时不会受到贷款负担。
英文示例: The homebuyer decides to purchase Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) to ensure that the family won't face the burden of the loan in case of their unfortunate demise.
9. 注意事项:
保单条款: 购房者应仔细了解MRTA的保单条款,以确保理解保险的具体范围和条件。
财务规划: MRTA是一种财务规划工具,应结合个人和家庭需求考虑是否购买。
10. 总结:
Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) - 按揭减少期限保险:
1. Definition:
Definition of Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA): MRTA is a type of mortgage loan insurance that ensures the loan is repaid in the event of an unfortunate occurrence within the loan term.
2. How It Works:
Reduces with Loan: As the remaining mortgage balance decreases, the insurance amount decreases as well.
Loan Repayment: If the borrower passes away or becomes totally disabled during the loan period, MRTA pays a sufficient amount to repay the outstanding loan balance.
3. Coverage Scope:
Death and Total Disability: MRTA typically provides coverage in the event of the borrower's death or total disability.
Excludes Other Risks: MRTA usually does not cover risks such as unemployment, illness, or other contingencies.
4. Optional Purchase:
Voluntary: Purchasing MRTA is usually voluntary but may be a condition of the loan in some cases.
5. Purpose:
Risk Protection: Offers risk protection for the borrower, ensuring that the family won't bear the burden of the loan in case of an unfortunate event.
6. Distinctions from Life Insurance:
Decreasing Amount: Unlike typical life insurance, the insurance amount decreases with the decreasing loan amount.
Loan-Linked: MRTA focuses on covering the balance of the mortgage loan rather than providing comprehensive family protection.
7. Application Process:
Tied to Loan: Borrowers can typically choose to purchase MRTA when applying for a mortgage loan, and the premium will be included in the monthly repayments.
8. Example:
Chinese Example: A homebuyer decides to purchase Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) to ensure that the family won't face the burden of the loan in case of their unfortunate demise.
English Example: The homebuyer decides to purchase Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance (MRTA) to ensure that the family won't face the burden of the loan in case of their unfortunate demise.
9. Considerations:
Policy Terms: Homebuyers should carefully understand the policy terms of MRTA to ensure a clear understanding of the specific scope and conditions of the insurance.
Financial Planning: MRTA is a financial planning tool and should be considered in conjunction with individual and family needs.
10. Conclusion:
Mortgage Reducing Term Assurance is a tool available to homebuyers designed to repay the mortgage loan in the event of unfortunate occurrences.