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什么是 地契期限 ? what is Tenure ?

Writer's picture: simonvigorpropertisimonvigorproperti


  • 地契期限指的是土地所有权的时间期限,可以是永久地契(Freehold)或租赁地契(Leasehold)。


地契期限(Tenure): 1. 定义:

  • 地契期限定义: 地契期限是指土地所有权的时间期限,可以是永久地契(Freehold)或租赁地契(Leasehold)。

2. 永久地契(Freehold):

  • 定义: 永久地契表示土地的所有权是永久性的,没有时间限制。

  • 权利: 持有永久地契的人被称为地主,拥有对土地的完全所有权,包括使用权、转让权和继承权。

  • 传承: 永久地契可以通过继承传给后代,世代相传。

3. 租赁地契(Leasehold):

  • 定义: 租赁地契表示土地的所有权是有时间限制的,通常是数十年。

  • 权利和责任: 持有租赁地契的人被称为地契持有人,拥有土地的使用权,但在地契到期时,土地权利将返回给地契的拥有者。

  • 地契更新: 在租赁地契到期之前,地契持有人可能有机会申请续租。

4. 地契期限的影响:

  • 永久性权利: 永久地契提供了持久的权利,地主可以自由支配土地而无需担心时间限制。

  • 时间限制: 租赁地契在到期时可能导致土地回归给地契的拥有者,因此地契持有人在土地权利上的自由受到时间限制的影响。

5. 地契期限的选择:

  • 购房考虑: 在购房过程中,购房者需要考虑地契期限,选择适合自己需求的土地类型。

  • 投资角度: 投资者可能会考虑永久地契作为更稳定的长期投资,而短期投资则可能选择租赁地契。

6. 地契到期的处理:

  • 租赁地契续租: 对于租赁地契,持有人可能会在到期前申请续租,延长土地使用权。

  • 权利归还: 如果租赁地契到期且未续租,土地的所有权将归还给地契的拥有者。

7. 土地市场和地契期限:

  • 地契影响价格: 土地市场上,地契期限可能影响土地的价格和吸引力,因此购房者和投资者需要考虑这一因素。

8. 法规和土地契期限:

  • 土地法规: 土地契期限受当地土地法规的影响,购房者需要了解和遵守相关法规。




1. Definition:

  • Definition of Tenure: Tenure refers to the time period of land ownership and can be either Freehold or Leasehold.

2. Freehold:

  • Definition: Freehold signifies that the ownership of the land is permanent, without a time limit.

  • Rights: Those holding Freehold are referred to as landowners, possessing complete ownership rights, including the right to use, transfer, and inherit the land.

  • Inheritance: Freehold can be passed down through generations via inheritance.

3. Leasehold:

  • Definition: Leasehold indicates that land ownership has a time limit, typically for several decades.

  • Rights and Responsibilities: The holder of Leasehold is known as the leaseholder, having the right to use the land. However, when the lease expires, ownership rights revert to the owner of the lease.

  • Lease Renewal: Leaseholders may have the opportunity to apply for a lease renewal before the leasehold expires.

4. Impact of Tenure:

  • Perpetual Rights: Freehold provides enduring rights, allowing landowners to freely dispose of the land without concerns about time limitations.

  • Time Limitation: Leasehold may lead to the return of the land to the owner of the lease when it expires, imposing a time limitation on the freedom of the leaseholder's land rights.

5. Choosing Tenure:

  • Consideration in Property Purchase: During property purchase, buyers need to consider the tenure and choose the type of land that suits their needs.

  • Investment Perspective: Investors may consider Freehold for stable, long-term investments, while Leasehold might be chosen for short-term investments.

6. Handling Tenure Expiry:

  • Lease Renewal: For Leasehold, leaseholders may apply for renewal before the expiration, extending the right to use the land.

  • Return of Rights: If Leasehold is not renewed, the ownership rights may be returned to the owner of the lease.

7. Land Market and Tenure:

  • Impact on Prices: In the real estate market, tenure can influence land prices and attractiveness, so buyers and investors need to consider this factor.

8. Regulations and Tenure:

  • Land Regulations: Tenure is subject to local land regulations, and buyers need to understand and comply with relevant regulations.

Tenure is a crucial factor for buyers to consider in land and property transactions, with profound implications for land use rights and investment plans.


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