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什么是 固定物件与附件 ? what is Fixture and Fittings ?

Writer's picture: simonvigorpropertisimonvigorproperti

Fixture and Fittings(固定物件与附件):

  • 在购房合同中,明确规定哪些物件是房产的固定部分,以及哪些是可拆卸的装置和配件。


Fixture and Fittings(固定物件与附件):

1. 定义:

  • 固定物件(Fixture): 固定物件是指与建筑物紧密连接且难以移动的物体,通常被认为是房产的一部分。

  • 附件(Fittings): 附件是可以拆卸和移动的物体,它们没有与建筑物紧密连接,通常不被视为房产的永久组成部分。

2. 区分固定物件与附件的标准:

  • 物理连接: 固定物件通常通过永久性的物理连接与建筑物相连,如嵌入墙壁的灯具或固定在地板上的柜子。

  • 易于移动: 附件相对容易移动,如桌椅、窗帘和可移动家具。

3. 购房合同中的明确规定:

  • 具体列举: 购房合同会具体列举哪些物件被视为固定物件,哪些是附件。这有助于避免在房屋交割时的不必要争议。

  • 清单: 通常会有一个清单,列明在房产中被认定为固定物件的具体物品,如内置橱柜、固定照明和暖气系统等。

4. 典型的固定物件:

  • 嵌入式电器: 内置炉灶、烤箱和洗碗机等通常被认定为固定物件。

  • 内置家具: 嵌入式衣柜、书柜和厨房橱柜可能也被列为固定物件。

  • 固定照明: 内置的吊灯、壁灯和其他照明设备通常被视为固定物件。

5. 移动的附件:

  • 家具: 家具、挂画和地毯通常被认为是附件,因为它们相对容易移动。

  • 窗帘: 卷帘和窗帘通常被视为附件,因为它们可以轻松取下。

6. 争议的解决:

  • 购房者权益: 购房者通常希望确保购房合同清晰规定了哪些物件是包含在购房价格中的。

  • 卖方责任: 卖方有责任在购房合同中准确列明哪些物件属于房产,以避免交割时的纠纷。

7. 变更与修缮:

  • 权利变更: 如果购房者希望将固定物件更换为其他物件,可能需要得到卖方同意。

  • 修缮责任: 卖方通常有责任确保在交割时,固定物件处于良好状态。



Fixture and Fittings:

1. Definition:

  • Fixture: A fixture refers to an object that is closely attached to a building and is difficult to move. It is typically considered a permanent part of the property.

  • Fittings: Fittings are objects that can be detached and moved. They are not tightly connected to the building and are generally not considered a permanent component of the property.

2. Criteria for Distinguishing Fixtures and Fittings:

  • Physical Attachment: Fixtures are usually physically attached to the building in a way that makes them challenging to move, such as built-in wall lights or cabinets fixed to the floor.

  • Ease of Mobility: Fittings are relatively easy to move, such as tables, chairs, curtains, and movable furniture.

3. Explicit Specification in Purchase Contracts:

  • Detailed Enumeration: Purchase contracts explicitly enumerate which items are considered fixtures and which are fittings. This helps avoid unnecessary disputes during the property handover.

  • Inventory: There is typically an inventory list detailing specific items within the property considered fixtures, such as built-in cabinets, fixed lighting, heating systems, etc.

4. Typical Fixtures:

  • Built-in Appliances: Built-in stoves, ovens, dishwashers, etc., are often considered fixtures.

  • Built-in Furniture: Built-in wardrobes, bookshelves, and kitchen cabinets may also be listed as fixtures.

  • Fixed Lighting: Built-in pendant lights, wall lights, and other lighting fixtures are generally regarded as fixtures.

5. Movable Fittings:

  • Furniture: Furniture, paintings, and rugs are usually considered fittings as they are relatively easy to move.

  • Curtains: Blinds and curtains are typically considered fittings as they can be easily taken down.

6. Dispute Resolution:

  • Buyer's Rights: Buyers often want to ensure that the purchase contract clearly specifies which items are included in the purchase price.

  • Seller's Responsibility: Sellers are responsible for accurately listing which items are fixtures in the purchase contract to avoid disputes during the handover.

7. Changes and Repairs:

  • Right to Change: If a buyer wishes to replace fixtures with other items, they may need the seller's approval.

  • Repair Responsibility: Sellers typically have a responsibility to ensure that fixtures are in good condition at the time of handover.

Clear specifications in the purchase contract regarding fixtures and fittings are crucial for avoiding disputes between buyers and sellers during property transactions.


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