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什么是 共用区域 ? what is Common Area ?

Writer's picture: simonvigorpropertisimonvigorproperti

Common Area(共用区域):

  • 共用区域是指在共管公寓或社区内,业主共同拥有和使用的区域,如走廊、电梯等。


Common Area (共用区域):

1. 定义:

  • 共用区域定义: 共用区域是指在共管公寓或社区内,业主共同拥有和使用的区域,如走廊、电梯等。

2. 共用区域的范围:

  • 走廊和走道: 共用区域通常包括建筑物内的走廊和走道,为业主提供通行的公共空间。

  • 电梯: 共用区域可能包括建筑物内的电梯,作为垂直交通的共享设施。

  • 大堂和入口: 共用区域还可能包括建筑物的大堂和入口区域,为业主和访客提供共同的接待空间。

  • 公共设施: 共用区域可能涵盖社区内的公共设施,如游泳池、健身房、花园等。

3. 使用权和责任:

  • 共同拥有: 业主共同拥有共用区域,享有使用权利。

  • 共同责任: 业主通常有责任共同维护和保养共用区域,以确保其良好状态。

4. 管理和维护:

  • 物业管理: 共用区域的管理和维护通常由物业管理公司或业主协会负责。

  • 维修和清理: 管理机构负责确保共用区域的日常维修和清理工作。

5. 共用区域的例外:

  • 私人空间: 有些区域可能被定义为私人空间,仅供特定业主或业主小组使用。

  • 限制性规定: 在共用区域中可能存在一些限制性规定,以确保公共空间的安宁和整洁。

6. 业主协会:

  • 设立和管理: 在一些社区中,业主协会可能负责设立和管理共用区域。

  • 费用分摊: 业主协会可能通过业主费用来分摊共用区域的管理和维护费用。

7. 共用区域的社交和互动:

  • 社交场所: 共用区域可以成为社交的场所,促进业主之间的互动和社区感。

  • 活动和聚会: 业主可能利用共用区域举办社区活动和聚会。

8. 业主权益:

  • 使用权: 业主有权使用共用区域,享受其提供的便利和设施。

  • 参与决策: 在业主协会存在的情况下,业主通常有权参与决策关于共用区域的事务。

9. 注意事项:

  • 遵守规定: 业主应遵守关于共用区域使用的规定,以维护社区的和谐。

  • 报告问题: 如发现共用区域的问题或需要维修,业主应及时向管理机构报告。



Common Area: 1. Definition:

  • Definition of Common Area: The common area refers to the spaces within a condominium or community that are collectively owned and used by the residents, such as hallways, elevators, etc.

2. Scope of Common Areas:

  • Corridors and Walkways: Common areas typically include corridors and walkways within the building, providing residents with shared spaces for passage.

  • Elevators: Common areas may encompass elevators within the building, serving as shared vertical transportation facilities.

  • Lobbies and Entrances: Common areas may also include the lobby and entrance areas of the building, providing a shared reception space for residents and visitors.

  • Public Facilities: Common areas may extend to public facilities within the community, such as swimming pools, gyms, gardens, etc.

3. Rights and Responsibilities:

  • Shared Ownership: Residents collectively own the common areas, enjoying the right of use.

  • Shared Responsibility: Residents typically share the responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of common areas to ensure their well-maintained condition.

4. Management and Maintenance:

  • Property Management: The management and maintenance of common areas are usually overseen by a property management company or homeowners' association.

  • Repairs and Cleaning: The management entity is responsible for ensuring the routine repairs and cleaning of common areas.

5. Exceptions in Common Areas:

  • Private Spaces: Some areas may be designated as private spaces, intended for the exclusive use of specific residents or resident groups.

  • Restrictive Regulations: There might be some restrictive regulations within common areas to ensure tranquility and cleanliness.

6. Homeowners' Association:

  • Establishment and Management: In certain communities, a homeowners' association may be responsible for establishing and managing common areas.

  • Cost Sharing: The homeowners' association may allocate the costs of managing and maintaining common areas through homeowner fees.

7. Social and Interactive Aspects of Common Areas:

  • Social Spaces: Common areas can serve as social spaces, fostering interaction among residents and creating a sense of community.

  • Activities and Gatherings: Residents may utilize common areas for community activities and gatherings.

8. Homeowners' Rights:

  • Right of Use: Homeowners have the right to use common areas and enjoy the conveniences and facilities they offer.

  • Participation in Decision-Making: In the presence of a homeowners' association, homeowners typically have the right to participate in decision-making regarding common area affairs.

9. Considerations:

  • Adherence to Regulations: Homeowners should adhere to regulations regarding the use of common areas to maintain harmony within the community.

  • Reporting Issues: If issues or repairs are needed in common areas, homeowners should promptly report them to the management entity.

Common areas play a crucial role in condominiums or communities, providing convenience and opportunities for community interaction to residents, while requiring appropriate management and maintenance.


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